Even though I was kind of tired from the Kyoto trip the day before, I was super excited to go up to the nearby mountains with Tecola! We drove up these achingly green mountains, hoping for a glimpse of monkeys, but there were none to be found! Only signs telling people about them.
We visited Katsuo-ji Temple, which is famous for being a temple dedicated to people winning things! It is a working temple, and people go there to make wishes, so there are daruma and wishing placards all over! It is such a magical temple; perhaps my favorite out of the ones I've visited so far! :D
There were also the cutest little things that made me think of wooden dolls everywhere! Apparently, they are for wishing to. I couldn't stop taking pictures of them! XD I really can't wait for Andrew to come visit that temple with me; I think he would love it too~! It really made me think of a Totoro forest!!! So special!
It was funny because Tecola bought me a charm that was supposed to make sure I got married! Hear that Andrew? ;) lol :D It is a really cute charm, and even has a little golden daruma on it that has the name of the temple on the back, so I am so happy to have a souvenir! :D
As we left the temple after walking around and admiring the fish in the lake, we noticed a path in the side of the hill across from the temple. Tecola asked about it and it turns out that it is a pathway that goes over the mountain to Mino! Tecola and I were up for adventuring so we stared walking up the path. Even though it has stairs built in, it was hard going! The trees were magnificent and plentiful! Perhaps I will walk that path sometime, eh? :)
oh boo, duh it's gonna happen u foo! <3